12 months ago


Carreon told me that I needed fillings for cavities on my molar, and they could get me in right now. I declined, and they kept pushing to get my cavity fixed today. As I went to leave the lady at the front desk told me that I owed a balance because I am out-of-network, they lied on the phone and said I was in-network. Very disappointing. I paid a decent amount of money and received no cleaning or "comprehensive" exam from a professional dentist. As soon as I left, I called my old Dentist to make an appointment for a professional cleaning and exam. The following week I traveled over an hour to my old dentist to find out that I did not have any cavities like Carroen said and received a proper cleaning. Overall, Carroen is very unprofessional, and I don't know how this place has passed any health and safety inspection. She lied to me about insurance coverage and then lied about me having cavities- anyway, for her to make money off of patients, it seems like.