Oct 6, 2022
Is Edgewater a good school? Yes, of course ONLY IF: 1) Your child or your children have an IQ above 150, so they don't annoy the teachers with their questions or when they're struggling. 2) Your child or children are GIRLS (because all boys supposedly have ADHD and should be on medication). They obviously have a soft spot for girls. 3) If you're a stay-at-home Mom and you have nothing else in the world to do then volunteering to every single extra curricular activity (this way your kids might get more attention from the teacher and get more pictures posted on Facebook). 4) You're part of a Mom Clique (very helpful!) as one of the moms, might know someone who works there and she can pull the strings and make sure your kids are in the same classroom as their BFF (Remember, it's all about GOOD connections!) 5) If you like filling up parental consent forms over....and over...until the Amazon has no trees left, when they can just send an email. That's pretty much it.