Jun 10, 2023

Excellent but can do better

It can be a better school. My two kids attend here, different grades. Has the resources to reach that goal. Excellent teachers. Great staff. Good curricular system but....there is a disconnect with what goes on in the classrooms. Allowing students to display themselves in all sorts of inappropriateness within the institution in Classrooms and in bathrooms, to what would otherwise be inappropriate in the household and in public. CAMERAS in every classroom not being reviewed and action not being taken to remedy. Staff and Teachers do not utilize them as they should. Parents drop their kids off every morning not knowing all the sad and disgusting things their kids will witness that day. Hope parents are connected to their kids. Many video proofs of what happens in several classrooms and ready to make it public in due time. Videos and pics that they will never disclose to the parents and for obvious reasons: $$. My two kids will be out later this year.
I think this can be a better school. It already has all the advantages it needs to reach that goal. Good location. Good structure. Excellent teachers. Great staff. Good system but. I think this can be a better school. It already has all the advantages it needs to reach that goal. Good location. Good structure. Excellent teachers. Great staff. Good system but.