11 hours ago
Any and all plaudits given to Dr. Barksdale are more than just well deserved. He is a paragon of professionalism and words such as honesty, integrity, rectitude and do the right thing are only part of what makes him stand out above most all others. It is immediately apparent each and every member of his staff understands and adheres to his high standards of excellence, not only clinically, which are second to none, but with genuine good natured pleasantries and friendliness. I have never been rushed in or out and Dr. Barksdale always takes a minute to stop and visit. Lastly, with Dr. Barksdale any angst or apprehension I had about my quite involved dental work was misplaced and a major waste of time. The deliberate care Dr. Barksdale took to insure my comfort throughout was something I had never experienced to that degree. How fortunate Baton Rouge is to have the best and Dr. Barksdale is the best.