Aug 19, 2021

Thumbs up for Paul Holden's customer service

Our new house built in 2010 included a kitchen designed by Paul Holden which we loved. Sadly defective plumbing, not their fault, has caused water damage to the countertop and under sink cabinet over the years. Although a deluge of orders has meant they are not taking on any new customers now, Paul Holden has provided us with the replacement parts for another carpenter to install as well as a lot of valuable advice. I am so grateful to Brad Holden for his support for a project that will pay less than $500 while another contractor is managing the retrofit with new plumbing, sink, granite countertops, and more. His generosity in helping us get the job done to replace the rotting elements of our kitchen island now, instead of asking us to wait until 2022 to fit into their work schedule, goes far beyond our expectations. Bravo Brad Holden and I strongly recommend this company's loyalty to assist its former customers