500 Down the shute
Had to walk out after 4 hours not getting a tattoo, sent the design months prior but Glen insisted on changing small aspects to make it “unique” and “custom”(he informed me of this when arriving, NOT before paying 500 to book the app) We agreed on a design however, he said he had never drawn this type of style before and decided to sharpie the design on free hand. The portions and placement were extremely off and when asking to alter sections began to accuse me of micromanaging (on the first request).If a stencil had been used alterations could have been easy, but it took 2-2.5 hours to sharpie it on. He said that restarting anything below the face was not a option (but it was misplaced and under-sized) he only agreed to re-size certain top aspects which he later agree looked better. I then noticed he had forgot and entire section, so he hastily drew it on nothing like the original in the reference.
Email if you want to see what I was asking for vs what I got (in sharpie).