10 months ago

Owner of Groom N Go

Most of the reviews written about Groom N Go are great. Just would like to say THANK YOU. But when I see some negative thing said, it takes me back. Mostly to the meeting with the person that is saying negative things. I have been grooming for 48 years. I treat every dog or cat as if it was mine. But some times people hear things they don't like and they assume things are not right. Like a cat meowing in a dryer. This is normal for vocal cats to do. Sorry YOU think it's cruel. If it was in harms way, I step in. Some dogs will feel out of sorts after a groom because simple they are away from there owner. It can be that simple. They do calm down after they leave and go home. Just like they do when there drop off. Lots of people misconstude this behavior, they think there pet was abused. Not the case. I always talk to them and comfort them, it's my way. For those folks that think they may have paid more than they would like, all I have to say is " if you think grooming is easy, " Try it