Do not go to this crooked dealership!
This dealership is the absolute worst and crooked one you will ever encounter. They did a rear differential driveshaft seal on my 2018 F350. The next day the rear end pulled out of the housing and dropped the driveshaft on the highway about 45 minutes into Michigan from the Sarnia border. Apparently the mechanic didn't tighten the primary bolt to hold it in. I contacted the dealership and advised them what happened and the SERVICE MANAGER OF BLUEWATER DEALERSHIP said to get it to them and they will take care of it. So i had to pay $400 to have it pulled off the highway and brought to a tow yard, and another $900 to have it towed from there back into Canada to the dealership. Now remember, THE DEALERSHIP TOLD ME TO DO THIS. They would not refund me my towing charges!