BUILDING: Building itself is falling apart, there are rust stains on the walls during Winter, whenever it rains, a classroom needs a bucket just in case the ceiling decides to go on break. Doors are barely able to close, or barely to open, NO AC whatsoever. Also, the heating system is a closed loop system that recycles from one end to another, so by the time it gets to one end of the building, there is barely any heat leftover. Not all classes have the resources they need, for example, in the second chemistry classroom, there is no vent hood, so no real learning can take place. Indeed, very few auxiliary resources for teachers, such as smart boards, or electronic projectors.
ACADEMICS: Very few AP classes or Electives, when I attended, for example, in the 11th grade, there was only one AP class-AP US History. Indeed the only AP classes as of 2015 are: US History, Calculus, English, Government, and Studio Art. That's it. On the side of electives, there are only two Accounting classes, (rehashes of each other), one business class, geography, "Environmental Science", around 3 to 4 art classes (depends on funding, of course), no additional English, or journalism classes, and indeed, very little in the way of class diversity except for the required electives. Main classes are just as clobbered, for example, there are three main science tracks that 9th graders go into; "Practical Science", "Physical Science", and "Honors Physical Science", may your god help you if you are in the first two. There are exceptionally strained resources across the main courses, in the English classes there are shortage of books, in the math classes, there is a shortage of help, in the theology classes, there is a shortage of logic. To conclude, the academic situation is a mess.
ATHLETICS: Similar problems to academics, but on average, receives more funding than classes, and even then, they have had to cut teams due to "lack of interest." If you are not an athletic student, then once again, may your god help you. Because you will be overlooked.
TEACHERS: Mixed bag, almost all do strive to do their best, but some are inherently better at teaching than others, while most just dole out homework, and then lazily build the tests and the final exams on the homework. Usually if you need help, you are directed to "NHS Tutors", which from my observations of my peers who applied for help, were usually overlooked by the tutors. Perhaps they were tutoring too hard for that day?
ENVIRONMENT: Adequate, student attitudes towards their peers is what you should come to expect from any other high school. There are some who are good, and then there are some who are absolutely nasty in one way or another-these kids aren't saintly, to say the least. The way the administration deals with this is mixed, if there are students that they don't like, and they are caught with a minor infraction, such as not wearing a belt, they are handed down detentions, or worse. If you play in sports, are well liked by the administration, or in some way grant publicity to the school, you are essentially given a free pass. Combine this with a sneering Catholic attitude, and you more than likely will not like it.
ADMINISTRATION: Completely arbitrary, they WILL do whatever they want, instead of installing AC, or purchasing new books for the students, for example, in May 2015 they spent a grant of 50,000 dollars on a football field. Or in 2012, when there was a surplus, they installed awnings that do not even block out the rain. Walk a fine line with these fine "Christians."
OVERALL: They will try to sugarcoat these issues in any way possible, but if you are looking for a high school, you truly are better with public or with one of the other private schools in the area.