We were told we had to withdrawal our children from the school because I went to Michigan state police. I went to Michigan state police because our family kept being slandered and people in the school kept doing it in writing. Which we kept tract of. I had already had one meeting with the principal about this this. Nothing done. Why would I meet a second time or third time.This is after having a lunch parent on a video recording discussing an email I sent to the principal.which was shown to me on someone else phone. Not only that but she was recorded telling lies about things I never even said. Icing on that discussing our five year olds medical contion who happens to be a amputee.... I literally have in writing from the priest of this school that I’m to remove my children for going to Michigan state police which it was never threat we actually went to MSP three days prior to his his letter. We attempted numerous times between my Hospital stays to have the principal correct the issue without taking legal action. Her direct words were “if it doesn’t affect our children I’m not fixing it”. I’m Sure if it was her child with a staff member recorded saying nasty things about her family something would of been done. Oh wait that’s what happen for telling the truth. We had to leave. Why because my kids are 1st nation.why because my son disabled? Why because were military? If your going to accuse me of having an outburst on school grounds you probably should of made sure I wasn’t on the west side of the state that day. Also that the principal hadnt left early around noon to go to a funeral home for a 21 year old that suddenly died of heart attack. I Couldn’t have been there in the evening when The principal accused me of having outburst my kids didn’t go to child care until Friday the next day. If she was really at school she would have known this. “I had outburst on school grounds”, but my children attended school sept 29 2016 Friday until 5 pm, and I got letter Saturday sept 30 2016. Well if someone who’s adult is having outburst on school grounds in front of kids I would hope you be smart enough to have that person arrested. I certainly wouldn’t let them take their kids to school the next day!. I have three children 3,5,7 that still don’t understand what they did wrong to never be allowed at that church again with their friends. The letter from father T States my whole family is never to show up on school or church grounds again. Also here’s a good line in writing by him , “I am never to discuss what was done to us.” Are you threatening me to be silent father Terrian after being herrassed to the point it was caught on video and Facebook by someone else in the school? So even trying to protect your family name from defamation your children who are three five and seven are penalized for it. One being disabled. That’s the catholic way though right? I can’t imagine why I suggested BK could use a new principal. Apparently a priest too. That’s my opinion and I was kicked out for that to. I suggested the school needed someone who could actually do the job as a boss. I’ve always said the principal in the school is very nice and tries to help where she can but when it comes to major problems like this she can’t and will not fix it. she has the family removed instead and the wrong ones. It’s like the kids that get in trouble yelling the word stop at the kid that picks on them. Because the bully was silent they get away with it. The priest sent a letter. Falsely accusing me of things like having an out burst on school grounds sept 28 2016 when I was on the west side of the state in a Occupation health clinic with doctors and MAs. I mean I would have at least checked out what was being said to you. We waited two months before giving up on resolved like an adult. Oh and we have pictures of our sons lunch in his classroom in front of clock 11 days out of 18 days he brought his entire lunch home. That was the other thing children not being fed to the point staff members were saying things to parents.