Danger! Danger! Purchased two 6.0L Powerstroke short blocks over the last 2 years and one engine failed within 20,000kms and the second had failed immediately on startup. Sent the first one back for warranty and after a lot of hassle and grief the short block was supposedly covered although my card was charged and I had to fight to get my money back. Then the replacement short block showed up on a makeshift skid that did survive the short drive from WA to BC. Once the replacement short block showed up it was built with the used components that came out of the failed engine? So send it back, fight some more for a replacement that was also damaged in shipping but installed and is running but has a bottom end vibration. The second 6.0 Powerstroke short block that was purchased and shipped to a Ford Dealer in the Maritimes had a bad vibration on initial start up. Dealing directly with Valerie the owner of Northwest Engines and the technician Steve they refused to believe it was a bottom end issue had the Ford dealer spend 104 hours of diagnostic, removing cylinder heads, oil pan etc... 2 crank bearings WERE found loose so the short block was pulled, stripped again out and sent all the way back from the East Coast to Northwest Engines on the West Coast. We ordered a new replacement short block and had to pay again for it subject to inspection of the defective short block. The engine showed up back at the Ford Dealer on the East Coast damaged again in shipping as it was shipped on a rotten pallet again?? 12 weeks later the Ford Dealer on the East Coast got an replacement short block that was usable and reinstalled all the original components that came off the defective engine and the truck now runs good "using all the original parts". Northwest is telling us that 2 connecting rods are bent and will not cover the warranty or even return calls or emails despite the rod bearing being installed incorrectly. The short block in question experienced a knocking issue as soon as it started, on tear down rod bearings were found installed incorrectly and now the engine has 2 bent connecting rods and Northwest Engines is claiming it is not there responsibility and will not return calls or emails. The Ford dealership has $19.900 in warranty charges and is now left holding the bag and we are out the cost of the replacement short block, the poor customer has been without a truck for over 6 months now!
Like I said Danger.. Danger... $24,000 loss.... I am not sure after 20 years in business if I have ever seen service this poor. Does Northest Engines think because we are in Canada they can do this and get away with it? I dont think so... papers are being drawn up and dual citizenship is coming in handy. The court documents are being filed in Point Roberts, WA to make traveling to WA a scenic journey through Canada for the owner Valerie. I have every intention on making sure this Company does not have the opportunity to continue to do business with this kind of service again or cost any other legitimate businesses $20,000. I understand there are 2 sides to every story and I have both stories fully documented in emails in case there is any doubt!
See ya soon Valerie