I thought they were OK when we got my gf's Golf there a few years back. Nothing exceptional and I'd experienced much better with different brands and in another country, but good enough that I didn't really have any complaints worth bringing up. The finance guy was by far the most solid (can't remember his name unfortunately...) and the overall experience was just... I guess bland is a an appropriate word. I get that not everyone clicks with everyone else, and people have better days, but it was just average in general, and has been so since with various services. I wanna leave 2.5 stars, but not 3, so I'm dropping it to 2. Because...
We just got another VW, for me, and I went with Niquet this time. The difference is HUGE. Seriously, go to both if you must but definitely do not one stop shop at Gabriel. It's a big purchase. Go see Niquet after. *Everything* was better. It's the little things, too. And that made me realize just how mediocre Gabriel truly was.
At Gabriel it just felt like: "Oh hi, it's you, well here's your car, thanks for the money, have fun." Done. Underwhelming is the right word. And I didn't even really mind other than it felt a bit rushed like they had better things to do since we had already paid. And so off we went. But for my gf's second new car ever, and long overdue... just ZERO personal touch. Could have been a car vending machine. We're easy going and don't expect or want much, so for us to remark on that says a lot.
At Niquet it was an experience. It was scheduled. The car was in the showroom, fully detailed and prepped to a much higher level and sitting right across from the office where the guy who handles delivery is. He walked us through all of the paperwork and offered to walk us through all of the vehicle features too. I declined, knowing these cars well, but there was an offer at least. They had reserved time for us and were more than willing to go the distance. We stood around it a bit chatting with my sales guy and some others, and then they drove it out the glass doors when I was ready to go. A bonus gift to choose from as well, nothing major but still nice. And an actual nice folder to put our papers in (seriously). Even the emblem on the key fob is nicer. It's just everything. Friendly, fun, full service. From A to Z it's a far more professional environment. Day and night difference in picking up both cars. So my gf's next car will be at Niquet Audi, and so will mine. Sold.
Gabriel has been OK but mediocre since day one, and seeing what a dealership CAN be is what makes them lesser. They aren't bad, they're just not anywhere close to the better dealerships. If you're choosing between both, trust me here... Niquet is the way to go.
TLDR; Gabriel is the basic of the basic. It's buying a car. It's the fast food of cars, gets the job done but offers nothing special at all. Niquet is an experience that's fun and pickup is awesome. If you're about to buy from Gabriel and read this? Go see Niquet. Gabriel gets good reviews and they're functional and fine but you're missing out on the experience of what true service is like.
And nope, not shilling. I know absolutely no one who works for or at Niquet. Went in because it was on our way somewhere close, spur of the moment. We used to live closer to Gabriel which is why we had gone there. I actually know several people who work at Park Avenue and having spoken to them I know their delivery is similar to Niquet. So Gabriel is just cutting corners and basic I guess. And nope, we weren't pushy at all. Not my style. I actually should push more. Maybe if I had we'd have gotten similar treatment. I have no idea. But if you think Gabriel is good, then you're in for a treat when you go to a real VW dealership.