May 28, 2019

My dog died because of DWAH's error

During a dental appointment, DWAH failed to connect an oxygen tube to the anesthesia machine. My healthy dog Jackson went in to cardiac arrest and suffered severe neurological damage. I had to have my best friend euthanized the following day. This was a careless mistake and one that was 100% avoidable. DWAH has admitted their fault in this but the damage is done and people need to know. Just because a clinic gets some good press doesn't mean they don't and won't make sloppy mistakes that will hurt your pet. Especially if aforementioned press results in the practice growing too fast for its britches. Ask all the questions. Ask who will be touching your animal and what their credentials are. Ask about safety protocols and checklists. Put in that extra effort to make it known you are serious about your animal's care and hopefully that will translate in to professionals who are on their toes.