Troy White took $5000 in deposits from us!
over Covid my husband found some things on marketplace out for sale, all of the things I see listed in these complaints on him plus some more, pontoon boat, truck, generator, tractor, a second truck oh, and our utility hauling trailer as well. His wife, Jodi Carr space had everything listed on marketplace. When it was time to discuss deposits, Troy was readily available. He then offered my husband all those other things when initially, he only called about the truck he said it be much easier to sell everything to one individual as they were part of his father‘s estate and he should be home in the next few months to be able to bring him to see it and finish payment. Well he never apparently came back. At that point he worked on an oil rig and was off the gulf of Mexico! Due to Covid he was not allowed to leave the boat for over a year, bullshit! Now that we’ve seen all these complaints, and now that we know where he is …. We will be in touch.