9 months ago

Troy is a scammer now, unfortunately.

(1/2) I have known Troy and his family personally for over 40 years. He also did some work for my relatives' cottage. He was ONCE a good contractor in the Fredericton area, but his greed, ego and compounded poor choices and lies have gotten the better of him. The comments from "Jessica" are very obviously not a legitimate customer, he just needs someone to help his rating rise so he can continue to scam people to survive. Any REAL customer would be taking into account the MULTIPLE "current" customer testimonies about him, and wouldn't be calling them "F*cked in the head", that's a giant red flag if I ever saw one. A real customer would also likely think "wow he was great to us, its a shame he has turned out this way". Its all a lie, and likely not even a real customer. Its more likely that its either him, or a friend that he's lied to and convinced he's innocent.