I received very good service from one staff person who was helpful, polite and motivated to assist me, taking the initiative to do his job. That experience was quickly erased by two staff people who were terrible. They knew nothing about the sunglasses I was looking at, did not attempt to find out what I needed to know about them, and were generally completely indifferent to the fact that they are there to assist customers because it is their job to do so. They communicated very clearly that they did not care one iota about their work and I was a major inconvenience and problem that they had the misfortune to deal with. They were lazy, rude and uninformed about the products while full of the classic attitude that they were doing me a favour by even acknowledging my presence in the store let alone providing anything remotely resembling customer service. Take your hard-earned money elsewhere if you have an option, or cross your fingers that you find the one or two staff members who conduct themselves like they are at their place of work doing what they are paid to do: cheerfully assisting customers who pay their salaries through their purchases in the store.