I was very disappointed in my service. I took in the hose off my vacuum which was being held together with duct tape. I had asked them to look to see if they could order one and if not what it would cost to repair it. I specifically asked them to call me with an approximate cost first as the vacuum had some other issues and I wasn't sure if I would spend a lot of money. I received a call a couple days later...they couldn't get a new one but were able to fix mine and I owed them $75! Needless to say I was very very upset. I spoke with the owner and stated that I was supposed to get a call before they did anything. She said well I had to see if I could actually fix it first. This was unacceptable. I now do not have a hose as I cannot afford to pay the $75 and had they called me I would have told them that. I could have continued to tape it up until I found a new vacuum on sale or that I could afford. I called them and told them I would not be in to get my hose as I could not afford the $75. I would like to thank them for leaving me without a vacuum. I no longer have a hose to tape. I cannot afford a new vacuum.
Perhaps in the future you should put yourself in the customers shoes...make the phone call!