Absolutely terrible. Avoid at all costs. Not only was the trip abhorrently expensive, it was also a bumpy ride. This can be excused due to the oftentimes mediocre condition of Yukon roads, but the fact that there were no wall outlets was a bit disconcerting. Still, I can overlook these for the most part, but there are some things I cannot overlook. For example, the fact that they managed to magically lose a valuable piece of luggage even after me getting two separate confirmations from staff that yes, it had been successfully loaded. So now, I'm out of multiple hundreds of dollars of sensitive electronic equipment due to the absolute incompetence of the service. The moral of the story? Just hitchhike. Or get a friend to drive you. Or bike. Or walk. Or use literally any other form of transportation other than Greyhound. Avoid them like the plague; their 1/1.5 star ratings are well deserved, and I very much regret not listening to those more closely.